Wednesday 30 March 2011

Shell Finance Whistleblower diary

Log : Suing Shell at the High Court of Malaysia,Jalan Duta.
Date: 30 March 2011
I am sent a letter by the SAR of the High Court of Jalan Duta. This letter was copied to Shell Malaysia Limited via its lawyers, Zul Rafique & Partners of Malaysia. 

Question. How can a High Court send a letter to a party that is not party to the suit and to which is still in bound by the ex parte rules of Order 53 ?  Can a Court copy a letter to the other side when the judicial process with the Plantiff, myself, is still in the ex parte side?

I sent a letter asking the SAR on what grounds was the SAR including Zul Rafique?

The High Court of Malaysia did not reply on that matter of how a letter was copied to Shell Malaysia's lawyers when it was still ex parte and no leave granted to Shell Malaysia. 

I am still awaiting a reply from the High Court. 

Question: Is this contempt of Court by Shell Malaysia for accessing secret documents from the High Court of Malaysia when their lawyers had no leave from the High Court?

I leave it to you to decide.

End of log.

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